Blountsville Pool, Blountsville

Photo of Blountsville Pool in Blountsville
Photo of Blountsville Pool in Blountsville, Alabama (© Google Maps)

Blountsville Pool is a swimming pool or swimming spot located in Blountsville, Alabama. There are 2 swimming spot near Blountsville, Alabama.

Blountsville Pool seems to be open. You can call them at +12054292456 just to make sure.

Address 364 Park Dr, Blountsville, AL 35031, Blountsville
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Location on Google Map See Map
Latitude 34.0894647
Longitude -86.5930395

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Admission Fee & Entrance Fee Blountsville Pool

Admission fee to Blountsville Pool, Blountsville: $10.

Video of Blountsville Pool

Opening Hours for Blountsville Pool, Blountsville


The above opening hours are in America/Chicago timezone.

Blountsville Pool beckons locals and visitors alike to indulge in a delightful aquatic retreat. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, this public swimming pool opens its doors, inviting swimmers of all ages to splash, play, and soak up the sun.

Operating from 10 am to 5 pm, Monday through Saturday, and 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm on Sundays, Blountsville Pool ensures ample time for fun-filled aquatic adventures.

Blountsville Pool boasts an array of attractions that guarantee an unforgettable experience. The pool’s zero-depth entry area provides a gradual transition into the water, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for swimmers of all skill levels.

Thrill-seekers can test their courage on the diving board or glide down the slide, creating moments of exhilaration and joy. To add a touch of whimsy, the pool features a sprayground where water jets create a playful and refreshing environment. And when hunger strikes, the on-site concession stand offers a variety of delectable food and drinks to satisfy cravings.

But Blountsville Pool isn’t just about leisure and play. It also provides the opportunity for youngsters to enhance their swimming skills. Offering swimming lessons throughout the summer, children aged 3 and up can dive into a structured learning environment.

Blountsville Pool holds a special place in the hearts of the community. Locals and residents flock to its welcoming waters, seeking respite from the scorching sun and a chance to engage in invigorating exercise. It has become a beloved gathering spot, where families come together, friendships are formed, and memories are made.

Here are some additional details to help you plan your visit to Blountsville Pool:

  • Located at 100 South 1st Street in Blountsville, the pool is easily accessible for all.
  • Operated by the Blountsville Parks and Recreation Department, the pool ensures a well-maintained and enjoyable environment.
  • With a capacity of 250 people, there’s plenty of room for everyone to make a splash.
  • Blountsville Pool is committed to inclusivity, providing ADA accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
  • Safety is a top priority, with a vigilant lifeguard on duty at all times, ensuring a secure and worry-free experience.

If you’re on the lookout for a fun and refreshing way to beat the heat, Blountsville Pool is the perfect destination. Dive into the cool waters, create cherished memories, and revel in the joy of a quintessential summer experience.